Ja tenim 100 amics i amigues al blog, i estem tant contentes que em pensat de fer uns sortejos.
Mentre preparem les cosetes per a sortejar hem decidit regalar a la amiga numero cent, 6 sobres amb troquels per a fer flors.
Gràcies Piikko!!! Us convidem a visitar el blog d'aquesta seguidora: Söpökatu
Congratulations to your 100 followers. I always come and read your interesting blog.
ResponEliminaI think you deserve much more.
Hugs from Craftland
Felicitaciones por esos primeros 100 seguidores
ResponEliminaUn abrazo
Congratulations for your 100 (soon to be many more) followers!
Asunción and Carla, you have a lovely blog
ResponEliminaand I'm very happy that I found you!
Congratulation for your 100 followers!
Soon there will be many more.
Thank you for this special recognition to me.♥
What a happy surprise! Gracias!
Besos y abrazos,
Congratulazioni per i 100 followers! Presto saranno molti di più.
ResponEliminaCiao Faby